Despite what some think, I make a lot of mistakes in the kitchen. Especially when it comes to baking. Over the years, I have gotten significantly more confident in the baking field due to trial and error but every once in a while, I royally screw up a batch. That’s just life’s way of keeping things balanced.

See, my friend was having a party and not only did I volunteer to make dessert, I also volunteered to cook. Rule number one. Never bite off more than you can chew. In my haste to get everything done, I rushed through my chocolate cupcakes. They seemed fine. But the end result was Chocolate hockey pucks. It didn’t taste bad- it was just hard to swallow.

I looked online to see if I could possibly salvage my cupcakes. I read about poking holes in the cupcake and pouring a simple syrup over it.


Tried it. Let it sit overnight. Woke up to wet chocolate hockey pucks. I wanted to cry. So I went shopping, bought more butter, flour, sugar and cocoa. Whipped it all up again and ended up with TWO batches of hockey pucks. What the Puck!?!?!

At my wits end and up to my ears in my humid kitchen with dry chocolate cupcakes, I reached for the emergency stash of cool whip in the freezer and made a poor (but tasty) looking ice box cake.


I salvaged these puppies by slicing them thinly, Layering them into a 9 x 13 pyrex and then spreading a layer of cool whip on top.


On the layer of whipped cream, I added more cupcakes.


and when I ran out of room in the pan, I put one final layer of whipped cream.


I covered this and placed it in the fridge for a few hours. It set really nicely.


At the end of the night, me and the girls were pretty sloshed. We cut into this baby and it was magnificent. The cupcakes were moist (finally) and their richness went perfectly with the mild whipped cream.

They were so hammered that upon consuming the ice box cake one of them cried out “How did you get the cake in the middle?”. We all looked at each other and laughed. So my hockey pucks turned into a pretty bad ass ice box cake.

Have any of your baking disasters ever turn into anything awesome???