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Last week I saw Diana at the dining table with a bowl of raw chicken wings and a paring knife. It looked like she was de-boning the chicken wings.

So, like the nosy body that I am, I asked her and sure enough, she was de-boning chicken wings.


To stuff them! She was going to a potluck and was bringing along a Hmong favorite: Stuffed Chicken Wings. Think Eggrolls but stuffed in chicken!

So after I asked her all my questions, I stalked her in the kitchen and took pics of her process.


Once she deboned a million chicken wings, she soaked some rice noodles. MMM.


She sliced and diced some scallions….


and added them to some rice noodles with carrots and cabbage…among other seasoning and it looked a lot like an eggroll indeed!


Then she stuffed the hell out of the chicken wings!


Look at the size of those things!


She must have been stuffing those wings for about 2 hours. Ever so diligent too!


Once they were all stuffed, she sealed them using a toothpick.


Which, from what I understand was the worst part.


Once they were all sealed, she seasoned them and baked them at 350 for 30 minutes.


The smell was intoxicating! And my constant lurking and picture taking resulted in a major win!


A stuffed Chicken wing!

It was so good! But it took about 30 seconds to devour compared to the hours it took to assemble.

It gave me some really great ideas for my next Potluck… Stuffed chicken wings with spinach and artichokes! or Blue Cheese and celery covered in hot sauce! Feta cheese and olives! its endless!