I survived the tornado.
When i moved to Queens 3 years ago, i did not think about the BS that came with it when it rained.
Queens. Notorious for blackouts, brown outs, flooding and trees that can’t keep it together. Trees that like to fall on cars and on houses.
Thankfully, I suffered no damage yesterday. But my neighbors did. Thinking of them today. And all my coworkers who still haven’t been able to go home to Long Island.
Before the tornado, I had made a trip to the Mecca. AKA Whole Foods. I was in search of the most wonderful Almond Butter for my friend Rose, who just discovered the magnificence of a Gala Apple, and Rose needed almond butter to smear on her new favorite apple. (Team Gala)
While i was perusing the aisles (because I never just get ONE thing) I found some Tahini.
Tahini, as in the ingredient in Hummus and Baba Ganoush… The Baba Ganoush I miserably failed at making one year ago… Then i remembered the lonely eggplant sitting in my fridge.
I purchased the tahini and began looking for recipes that would yield the best baba Ganoush ever… I mixed and matched several recipes…
1 large eggplant
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 Tbsp. Tahini
1/2 tsp. salt
I began by slicing and roasting my eggplant at 400* for 30 mins. When it was done I set it to cool on the counter while I went to my bedroom to watch trashy tv. (the trashy tv part is optional)
I left the skins on. You don’t have to… but i freakin HATE peeling veggies. It makes me nervous. And really, who has time for that?
Dear Future Husband (whomever you are),
Please be good at peeling vegetables. Thanks.
Your Future Wife.
My giant jar of Tahini. And its from my fave peeps from Once Again Nut Butter!.
Once the eggplant cooled, i placed it in my shitty food processor (Dear Santa, Can I get a new Food Processor AND a Kitchen Aid Mixer? You Rock. Love, Mo) …and all the other ingredients and pureed until it was at the desired consistency. I was very pleased with the results. It was a little too thick at some point so I added a little bit of water and it worked out nicely. I’ve been using on salads and as a dip for when i need a munch. 🙂

Miss Tiffany has called me out on my lack of Mickey Pics. Ever since I took her tab down I have deprived you all of her cuteness… she had a mini photo shoot the other day so- ENJOY.
Mickey is supposedly 4 years old…but she plays like a puppy and cuddles like an infant. So For shits and giggles lets just say shes ageless.

Playin with her new toy…
AKA the Egg i won from Egglands Best Expo at BlogHer
Not giving a damn about anything other than the egg…
Sometimes Mickey gets sleepy and she yawns really big… and will MEOW when she yawns. Shes having a species-identity crisis.

Naps Rule… only on my bed… the little stinker.

She poses. And sits like a human. This is the one time I can recall her sitting like a dog. i love her spots. and her floppy ears.

She steals my camera while im sleeping and takes pics of herself…
(im totally lying. I took this pic and cut myself out. LMAO)
Hope ya’ll have a great weekend!
Any plans?